Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Change a Habit

I found this flow chart on the link. The writer wrote about the book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg.

Lazy Wednesday

Quick Write: One of my good habits is that I like my personal stuff to be organized. I hardly ever let my nephew inside my room because he's always making a mess and when he does I get a big headache. A bad habit is keeping track of time! I usually never pay attention to time, the reason why I'm late to school most days. Also when I'm on my PlayStation 3 late at night, I stay up late and forget that I should be waking up in a few hours for school.

Reflection: A habit is an act which is done without thinking. Habits can be good or bad depending on the reward of it. Good habits give up a better reward and bad habits can give us a negative reward depending on the way you see it.

Friday, May 23, 2014

DOK Questions:
1)How is Jean Dominique Bauby's imagination relates to his mindset?
2)What would be the effect of Jean Dominique Bauby's mindset if he didn't write the memoir?
3)How would you compare Jean Dominique Bauby's story from the memoir to the movie?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ebony's lesson

Quick Write: One of the happiest moments of my life has during my birthdays. Some people receive special treatment during birthdays and I'm one of them. During my 13th birthday I had the chance to go to my first arcade and go bowling with my family. It was a very fun moment of my life. However I wouldn't like to back. I'm looking forward to my future and many more happy moments of my life.

Reflection: Based on the quote, “There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when you were happy" said by Dante, I think Jean Dominique Bauby will agree on this quote because he looks towards his memory to keep him happy. His memories satisfy him to think more on this memories than his real life issue on locked-in syndrome.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Diving Bell and The Butterfly Lesson

Aim: How could we understand the mindset Jean Dominique Bauby goes through by each day?

Quick Write: What's one food dish you haven't ate in a long time? Close your eyes and imagine it right in front of you. Can you taste, smell, feel the food dish?

Today's Activity: Students will choose to read "The Diving Bell and The Butterfly" by Jean Dominique Bauby together or individually. Create a Mind Map using our notes of what we already know and what we will read on pages 23-39 of the text. We should be able to identify and define words that we don't understand.

Here's my Mind Map

Reflection: From what we read pages 23-39, What can you tell about Jean Dominique Bauby's Mindset of memory? Is his memories taunting him or helping him?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Animal Mind VS Human Mind = No Difference

Preparing for my lesson plan

Quick Write:   One of the most important memories I have is the last time I visited Dominican Republic. The last night I stayed there my family and I were sitting in the backyard telling stories/jokes. We ate a bunch of food like morro, chicken, spaghetti, goat meat, and different salads. It was a wonderful memory that every time I think about it makes me want to go back to it. If  I had that memory taken away I would not see Dominican Republic the same way as I do now.