Thursday, March 6, 2014

Change For The Better

Quick Write:
    One aspect of mindset that I want to change is the amount of effort I put into completing my goals. During a challenge, obstacles always appear but still going for the main goal gets difficult. I do admit that sometimes I do give up on how much effort I put in everything.

Final Reflection:
    I plan to keep myself on track when I'm doing something. I like to say I am my best cheerleader, so to change the aspect of my mindset that I identified in my quick write I would want to cheer my self up when I feel like giving up. Putting all effort in my things would be better for me.

1 comment:

  1. Would you agree it's a matter of changing your mindset to appreciate the process rather than the end result. It's not a matter of crossing the finish line, but how you ran your race.....Again, last semester I saw a young woman who was really running the race really well--showing so much effort.
