Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Half Way There

Quick Write:
            I believe you aren't born with a fixed or growth mindset. Everyone has different ways of growing up and different experiences which makes their mindset. For example, I come from a life that I have to work hard to get what I want so I think I have both mindsets.

Final Reflection: 
            As a student I see how teachers motivate students. In my classes I see teachers honoring students who come everyday by putting their names in the classroom wall. Also, teachers talk to students about their good grades. However some teachers without knowing it can cause students to feel like a failure by setting them apart from others who are doing better. For example, if the teacher needs to have groups for an assignment the teacher would put good students together and those who haven't been to school in another group.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You inspired me to start putting students' names on the wall again.
