Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Another Tuesday

Quick Write:
            As a student I am not perfect. If I could change how much effort I put in my school assignments, I believe I would have better grades. Also, I don't study at all.

            Connecting the reading that I have read so far and my quick write the main idea is effort. A mindset can become better by changing the type of effort you put to challenging your self instead of just completing things. Students rather just complete assignments and not really pay attention to how they can improve and give more effort to things. In the reading it says, "The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when its not going well, its the hallmark of the growth mindset." This quote means putting more effort in a task even if your failing can help improve your mindset. Therefore, my quick write and what I have read so far in "The Mindsets" concludes to effort. 


  1. I like the fact that you got into good and specific details about your quick write.

  2. Can't agree more. It's all about effort, isn't it? That's why I was so disappointed that I never saw your I-Search paper--because I knew how much effort you put into it. I think you were "fixed" on the fact that you didn't finish it rather than all the research you put into it. Failure = not persevering.
