Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Quick Write: Personally there are three people in my life that make my life worth living which is my mother , my nephew and my boyfriend. My mother always pushes me to do better and helps me become a better women. My nephew is the reason for my smile, he makes me smile and makes me think of how many opportunities are in this world. My boyfriend has my back, he is always there for me when I need him and knows better than to make me upset.

3-2-1: Based on the video I completed a 3-2-1 of observations, questions, and reaction or emotion.
Observation 1: He cant talk but still is involved with his family.
Observation 2: He can move his eyes only.
Observation 3: He communicates well for someone who has his syndrome.
Question 1: How does he talk through the computer?
Question 2: How locked in syndrome happen?
Reaction 1: He is brave for still wanting to live knowing he has this syndrome.

Final Reflection: Referring to my quick write, making life worth living in general is becoming a different person making your life count on this world. Life can get difficult but knowing to how you can make a difference in someone or everyone's life can mean a lot to a person. Everyone wants to live and change something or become someone better. This relates to mindset if someone doesn't want to live or doesn't find a reason in making life worth living they have a fixed mindset. However those who want to make their lives better and make their life count have a growth mindset.

1 comment:

  1. Well organized and thoughtful. If you click on the locked-in syndrome link, the medical dictionary will explain how it happens.
